By KC Andrus
Alright, so you want to become a robot on the mound. Pitcher's have control over everything that happens on the field, in a lot of regards they are the most important people on the field. Now, everyone enjoys watching a finesse pitcher think his way through a lineup and get people out, but the best way to become a consistent pitcher that consistently gets outs is to throw hard. It is true that certain people have naturally gifted, golden arms but it is also true that everyone can improve their velocity by tweaking some things within their throwing motion.
Pitching mechanics are a living, breathing thing and the most important thing to accomplish within your windup is to establish consistency. The first thing you want to is to find the most comfortable spot on the rubber. Once that is out of the way you are going to want to keep things as simple as possible and try to keep everything going towards home plate. That means take a short, straight step back and then go straight to your balance point. When you reach your balance point you should be able to maintain pretty good balance, don't worry about whether your toe is pointing down or anything like that just make sure you are balanced.
When you land you should be a little more than shoulder width apart. Then it is vital that you fully extend your arm forward and release the ball out in front with a quick flicking motion in your wrist. All of the top power pitchers implement these things into their motions and it not only builds power but also improves command.
Be sure to use all these basic tips to help improve your throwing motion. If you really want to improve your velocity on the mound and add 10 mph to your fastball be sure to follow the link below for all the best professional tips you can get:
Pitching Mechanics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=KC_Andrus
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