Baseball Recruiting Calendar - Four Keys to Staying on Track
By Gary V Hawkins
Are you trying to make the jump from high school baseball to college baseball? Are you wondering about the baseball recruiting calendar and how it effects your chances of being recruited? If so, this article can help you understand the process and get an edge on your competition.
Here are four keys you should know about the baseball recruiting calendar:
1- Don't wait until too late to get started
College coaches want more than just one year to evaluate prospects. Waiting until your senior year to begin making contact with college coaches is a big mistake.
2. Start making contact early
You should begin making contact with coaches no later than your junior season. If you are setting the world on fire and playing varsity as a sophomore, you should start making contact during your sophomore season. Making early contact in the baseball recruiting calendar gives coaches plenty of time to monitor your progress.
3. Patience is mandatory
Unless you are a blue chip or elite level player, don't expect the recruiting process to end until much later than you want it to. Coaches are usually monitoring several players for each roster spot, so they don't offer you a spot on the roster until late in the process. Stay patient and keep the communication lines open.
4. Marketing and promoting yourself is vital at all stages in the recruiting calendar
No matter what stage of the process you are looking at, you need to take responsibility for your own recruitment and market and promote yourself to college coaches. Coaches at all levels need quality players.
Start making direct contact early in the baseball recruiting calendar. If you have the talent and skills to help their program succeed, coaches will be happy to hear from you.
Gary Hawkins is a well known recruiting and athletic scholarship expert and the author of a popular 17-page free report titled:
"Five Secrets You Must Know To Get Recruited For Athletic Scholarships"
Head over to http://www.recruitedforscholarships.com/freereport.html to get your FREE copy now!
Gary Hawkins is passionate about helping high school athletes reach their dream of playing at the college level. In his Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship System, Gary teaches anyone how they can finally get the attention of college coaches and start being recruited for athletic scholarships. Just visit http://www.recruitedforscholarships.com/ and pick up your copy today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_V_Hawkins
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